Dog microchipping is a procedure that involves implanting a tiny electronic chip under the skin of a dog. The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and is typically placed between the shoulder blades. This procedure is widely used as a permanent method of identification for dogs.

Welcome to Hot Diggity Dog Resort's Microchipping for Pets page, where we prioritize the safety and well-being of your furry family members. Microchipping is a simple and effective way to provide permanent identification for your pet, offering peace of mind and invaluable protection in case they ever become lost or separated from you.

Microchipping involves the insertion of a tiny, rice-sized microchip under your pet's skin, typically between the shoulder blades. This microchip contains a unique identification number that is linked to your contact information in a national pet recovery database. Should your pet ever go missing and be found by a veterinarian, animal shelter, or rescue organization, they can scan the microchip and retrieve your contact details, enabling a swift reunion between you and your beloved companion.

The importance of microchipping cannot be overstated when it comes to pet safety. Collars and tags can easily fall off or become lost, leaving your pet without any form of identification. In contrast, a microchip provides a permanent and tamper-proof means of identification that stays with your pet for life. This can be especially crucial in emergency situations or natural disasters when pets may become separated from their owners. Beyond simply identifying lost pets, microchipping can also save lives. Many shelters and animal control agencies routinely scan stray animals for microchips upon intake. If a microchipped pet is found, shelters can quickly contact the owner and facilitate their return home, reducing the stress and potential dangers associated with prolonged stays in shelters or on the streets.

Microchipping is a quick, simple, and relatively painless procedure that can be performed during a routine veterinary visit or at our facility. It provides a reliable form of identification that greatly increases the likelihood of a lost pet being reunited with their family. Protect your pet and give yourself peace of mind by ensuring they are microchipped today. Trust Hot Diggity Dog Resort to provide this essential service for the safety and security of your beloved furry companions.

Microchip & Microchip Registration
Book your dog to be microshipped.